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The Ultimate AI Companion for Your LeetCode Journey.

Solving LeetCode problems can be intimidating and overwhelming, leaving you frustrated and discouraged, but not with AlgoBuddy

AlgoBuddy is your AI-powered coding companion, making it easier and more effective with tailored hints and interactive learning so you're never stuck for long.

Two Sum Problem


I am not able to make progress. Can you help me?



"Sure thing. Consider using a hash map to store the numbers you've seen. For each number, check if its complement exists..."

Powerful features formastering LeetCode challenges

Thought Process Guidance

Learn to approach problems strategically. AlgoBuddy guide's you through the mental process of solving challenges before you write a single line of code.

Contextual Hints

Receive intelligent hints based on your progress. Our AI analyzes your code to provide relevant clues without spoiling the solution.

Solution Optimization

Get your code reviewed by AI. We check your final answer and suggest improvements for efficiency and best practices.

Ease of use

AlgoBuddy already knows your problem and the code you've written. Just ask it to check your code or explain the issue.




The essentials to provide your best work for clients.


  • 3 problems per month
  • Throttled/slow AI responses
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Unlimited practice problems. Go get that job!


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